Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Feeling GREAT!

Hi Everyone!

I am feeling better than I have felt for quite awhile.....changed drugs and am now on Tykerb (targeted therapy) and Xeloda (chemo). They are pills that come with some awful side effects, but so far, it's not been too bad. I feel like I am amongst the normal people again. I have had 2 cycles of these drugs and feel like almost 100% of my old self. The pain is slowly receding from my arm, and my arm is much smaller. I visited my Radiation Oncologist today, and he was very helpful in giving me his "gameplan" for the future. At least I know there are lots more treatments I can pursue along the way. Mentally, I am feeling much more positive, too. Things seem to be coming together in every way. Hopefully, my next PET/CT scan at the end of Sept/beginning of October will indicate we are indeed heading in the right direction. God knows that I need to have good news as I celebrate my 50th birthday on October 17th. I feel like I now can begin to make plans to travel, etc. I just feel really, really good!

Can hardly believe that my kids are all getting ready to start school again. Kirsten will be a sophomore at Horizon High School as she starts on Monday, the 17th. Later in the month, Jon will be in his 3rd year at the University of Arizona, and Ashley will begin her 2nd year working on her Masters in Social Work. I am so proud of my 3 babies....I could not ask for better children. I love them!!! Oh, ya, and Ash and Jon are neighbors down in Tucson. Wow, that is so convenient! :)

Other than the heat (114, the last 2 days), not much else happening here.
I miss everyone.....hopefully, this next year will find me visiting.....I sure have the time on my hands...

Take care!


Barb H said...

I'm happy you're feeling better and positive. I miss hanging out... Barb & Barb! Please know that you are always in my prayers.

Julie Donner Andersen. author said...

Put CANADA on your travel itinerary, would ya?!?!!! Maybe we can do our 50th birthdays together! Hey, wouldn't that be fun?!!