Monday, March 30, 2009

Hair loss

Now you wouldn't think that hair loss is such a big thing considering what I've been through. It seems a small price to pay, BUT no, I really want my hair back!!!!!!! Having gone through this twice, I am even more impatient. Well, the baby ducky fuzz is covering my head now...coming in white. UGH! Last time my hair came in salt and soon as I was able, I was off to see Kelley, my hair stylist and superb colorist. In December when it fell out (#2), I had a full year after the first time to grow my was just beginning to get to a good length, altho' I was keeping it short. Funny how even short hair seems like a lot of hair when it's coming out in gobs. So back to wigs. I just can't do the turban or scarf thing. Also, I've never been a hat person, but have a few to wear around the house or in the car. I have saved some money on shampoo and getting my hair done every 5 weeks....silly me, I really want to spend that money, AND I miss my time chatting with Kelley and following her ever eventful saga of life. I guess I just miss the old me and want her back. Cancer takes so much away and I just think whatever normalcy that returns makes it easier to get by day-to-day.
Today, I begin Doxil...a drug that doesn't usually cause hair loss....I just wonder if it will encourage hair growth....that would be very nice.
Last night I saw "Duplicity" with Julia Roberts.... I won't ruin the ending of the movie, but will is very important!!!!

1 comment:

Barbara McLaren said...

Update: The hair is coming in!!!! Kirsten says brown, but I just see white
I am soooooo happy!