Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Big "Fight"

There exists the term "fighting breast cancer". Many people use this term and if they lose the fight and die from it, it makes them seem like they failed somehow. That is so sad. No one fails at cancer. No one is to blame for getting cancer. There is little control over so much of what cancer is all about. Circumstances beyond our control cause so many variables to exist with cancer and what the outcome will be. These may include the type of cancer and subtype of cancer, the right doctor/hospital, the right treatments, the right insurance and even the right time as far as medical advances are concerned.

I don't feel like I am "fighting breast cancer". By nature, I am not a fighter. I love peace and tranquility. Can't we all just get along? Ha! Ha! Can I say I want to get along with breast cancer and just be one with it? Well, of course NOT! I do want it all gone and for it never to come back!!!!! So, what I mean is that I believe in my body healing itself and in God and the healing Angels. I don't have control over a portion of the outcome of all of this, but I do feel deep down that I will be OK and I will be around for awhile. The parts that I do have control over include the love around me, my faith in God, keeping hope alive and what I consume internally as food. More of what I am doing with breast cancer is taking it in stride, keeping my life as stress free as possible, visually imagining being surrounded with green healing energy and praying a lot. As far as the variables go, I hope that my doctors are the right ones and that my treatments are as well. I've got amazing health insurance and feel lucky that I was diagnosed now instead of 10 or 15 yrs ago. The drugs are almost endless these days. The remainder is up to the one above.

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