Saturday, December 26, 2009

Difficult season....

Seasons Greetings.....
It's been awhile since I've posted's been a difficult month AND YEAR.....I'm not sure how much more bad news I can take this holiday season. Lives lost too soon are never easy. All we can do is pray and lend any support that we can. Since just before Thanksgiving, I have been praying for an old boss' loss of his 19 yr old daughter..then Thanksgiving weekend, my sorority sister lost her 17 yr old son and his 15 yr old girlfriend in an accident, then last week, a childhood neighbor lost his life to cancer....then, Christmas Eve a high school friend lost her nephew in a car accident. Too many...too early in life....every day is so very precious. I stood outside as I was walking the dogs today and listened to the wind blow through the trees....the little things mean so much to me now. This year has been tough with other deaths of friends...and diagnoses of cancer for a few others. Life is so short.....

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