Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Day!

Hello, hello, hello!!!!

Well, I got the results of my latest PET/CT scan......very, very encouraging! I am moving in the right direction! Xeloda & Tykerb RULE! I feel so much better....even asked if I could have my dosage upped....And, I will be visiting Dr. Livingston in Tucson on Thursday. I know he will be happy, too. AND, maybe, just maybe, he will have something new up his sleeve. :)

It's finally cooling down out here in the desert. The evenings are great. Frankie and I have been taking walks to the park. He loves to "hang" with the dogs down there.

Bought a birdfeeder a few weeks ago. It's been fun...but, those birds can eat! I don't know how long I will be able to afford to feed them. No such thing as "eating like a bird" here at my home. Unfortunately, the pigeons have found it and like to crowd out the sweet little birdies. So, I spend my mornings shooing the pigeons away. Fun!

In a week and 1/2 we are heading over to San Diego for a prebirthday celebration with my three kids! Can't wait! I am so blessed to be celebrating my 50th birthday!I long to walk on the beach and smell the ocean.....and eat some good food, of course!

That's about it for now.....I'll post after the visit to Tucson.
Love y'll!
P.S. So happy Ohio State football is back in full swing!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUCKS!

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