Tuesday, June 23, 2009

God puts you in the right place at the right time.....

Here's a little story that I would like to share. Last Saturday morning around 7 AM, as I was walking Frankie, I noticed a little toddler coming down the stairs from one of the apartments across from my condo community. I kept watching, thinking an adult would be right behind her. But, no such did I see. She came down the stairs and walked around the corner. One of my neighbors came up with her dog and I told her what I had just seen. Still no one else was around...so, Frankie and I headed over there to find her going up and down another flight of stairs..she wasn't even 2 years old! So, I talked to her and told her to follow me...I wanted to head back up where I had first seen her. We knocked on that door and a lady answered and said that "No, she wasn't hers, but she thought she knew where she lived". She thought her name was Ainsley. Thank goodness she knew because I was ready to call the police....now, I wished that I had..put a real scare into the parent. The dad answered the door and said that he had just woken up and that she must have gone out the patio door on the other side of the building. Wow, how quickly he could have lost her! She would have gone home with me or anyone else for that matter...gone out into the street or wandered over to the pool..where the gate is often propped open!

For a long time, I have felt like a protector of sort, I get that feeling alot when I am driving. It's definitely one of my purposes here on Earth. Saturday, I was just practicing my purpose. ;)


Anonymous said...

Man I am so glad you saw her. Theres no telling what could have happened to her.

Julie Donner Andersen. author said...

You are a hero!!!! Well, you always were, but now you're a bigger one. :)

Jo Henn said...

Whew! Good thing you saw her! I hate to think what would have happened if some sociopath saw her or she fell on the stairs. Thank God He put you there to get involved!